Every year we cross the mountains and ride with a group of friends to celebrate the end of the winter
This is the Grizzly Ride.
Film & photography by Sebastien Zanella
We have always had a special place for the desert in our souls. One sits down, sees nothing, hears nothing. Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams… Just like a mirage can make the distorted reflection of the sky on the desert floor look like water, humans can run after and maybe even catch a glimpse of freedom. As our friend Mark Upham points in Seb’s video, we live in the era of control and in the midst of our lives we just want to get some freedom without causing big trouble. If for this we need to become outlaws every now and then, so be it.
This is exactly what we do when every year we ride our bikes into the desert to welcome the sun and spend good quality time with our friends before the storm of W&W. This year we were joined by more ladies and some little wolves running along the crazy amalgam of bikes, that ranged from precious prewar Knuckleheads & Flatheads to our plastic KTMs. Without forgetting the usual array of of British heritage/ mongrels that so much characterizes any Southsiders ride. Yet the mindset was the same. Eat, drink, ride, repeat!